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History of HKDA

Hong Kong Dodgeball Association (HKDA)

is the first organisation, established by Mr. Brian Li on November 20, 2008, and committed to Hong Kong dodgeball development.

The Hong Kong Dodgeball Association is affiliated to World Dodgeball Federation and the Asia Pacific Dodgeball Federation.

2008/11/20 - Hong Kong Dodgeball Association officially established

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2010 - The ball designed by the association has become the international designated ball

2011 - Establishment of the World Dodgeball Association

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President Mr. Brian Li redesigned the dodgeball ball to be safer and easier to use, and it has become the designated ball for international dodgeball competitions


2012 -  won the first World Dodgeball Championship

Hong Kong united the United States and Malaysia, and invited Canada, Mexico and Australia to establish the World Dodgeball Federation (WDBF), and the president of the association has served as the vice chairman of the association until now

The Hong Kong dodge ball team

The 1st "World Dodgeball Championship 2012 - Malaysia"

Won men's championship and women's runner-up


2014 - hosted the 3rd World Dodgeball Championship


On June 13-16, 2014, the association held the third "World Dodgeball Championship 2014 - Hong Kong" at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Hong Kong.And won the men's third place​ and the women's second place

2016 - Established the Asia Pacific Dodgeball Association

The Association and the Asia-Pacific Dodgeball Organization established the Asia-Pacific Dodgeball Association

Asia Pacific Dodgeball Federation (APDF)


The President of the Association, Brian Li, was appointed as the Vice President of the Asia-Pacific Dodgeball Association

Logo_Asia Pacific Dodgeball Federation.j

2017 - The number of participants in the dodge ball league reached a new high


The number of participants in the Hong Kong dodgeball league hit a record high, with more than 1,000 players participating in the dodgeball league

There are 5 main categories and

2 women's divisions

2019 - Middle school dodge players set a new high


2019 - Gained international recognition for promoting sports popularization

November 13-16, 2019

On behalf of the World Dodgeball Federation, the World Dodgeball Federation attended the World Congress of the International Mass Fitness Sports Association TAFISA and accepted membership to promote the popularization of sports

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-23 at 11.26.48 AM

The Hong Kong Secondary School Dodgeball Championship 2019 has come to a successful conclusion,

A record high number of participants in the competition

2021 - 中小學界閃避球員繼續創新高


2020 - Become a partner with "IGRS"

July 1, 2020

"Hong Kong Dodgeball Association" and "Hong Kong Chinese Schools Dodgeball Association" have become partners. As the highest leadership organization of local dodgeball, the Association will lead the development of dodgeball in all aspects.


全港中小學界閃避球錦標賽2021 一共57隊伍參賽,近700位球員參加。決賽日非常榮幸邀請到 中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會義務副秘書長 黃寶基先生MH 頒獎

2022 - 世錦賽港隊授旗儀式

9月 - 世界閃避球錦標賽勇奪佳績


有幸邀請到 體育、演藝、文化及出版界立法會議員;中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會副會長 霍啟剛先生出席授旗儀式



12月 - 中小學界閃避球員繼續創新高


全港中小學學界閃避球錦標賽2022 一共67隊伍參賽,近900位球員參加。

2023 - 首次獲康文署資助發展閃避球

受惠於「新興體育活動資助先導計劃」,成為受資助體育機構,本會2023年1-3月活動有「閃動校園」學校閃避球體育推廣計劃﹑閃避球生力軍計劃﹑閃避球青少年中級訓練計劃﹑香港閃避球青少年公開賽 2023。參加人士遍佈全港,多達1000多人,以學童及青少年為主。

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4月 - 會址更新

本會會址由 柴灣豐業街12號啟力工業大廈B座15樓04室 搬遷到 葵涌業成街18號星星中心12樓07室。

6月 - 再獲康文署資助發展閃避球

因本會於首期受資助項目表現出色,本會繼續獲資助於2023-24年度提供閃避球活動予香港市民參加。當中包括︰「閃動校園」學校閃避球體育推廣 23-24﹑學校閃避球外展計劃23-24﹑香港大專閃避球錦標賽2023﹑閃避球青少年中級訓練計劃 (暑期2023)﹑快「閃」十八區 - 閃避球免費體驗活動。


6月 - 商界合作


Heart & Hands

Hope we are on the way to develop dodgeball
With your figure, your support!

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